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How to integrate WebEngage with WhatsApp via AiSensy?

Wish to Broadcast messages directly from the WebEngage Dashboard?You can do this easily with the AiSensy WebEngage integration.

In this doc, we'll discuss the step-by-step process you can follow to integrate WebEngage with AiSensy.


To integrate WebEngage with AiSensy, you need the WebEngage API Key. You can get this key from WebEngage's support.

So, before you start the integration process, connect with WebEngage's support & ask them to provide you with the API key.

Got the key? Now, let's connect your WebEngage Dashboard with AiSensy to enable Broadcasting directly via the WebEngage app.

Steps to connect WebEngage with AiSensy

Login to WebEngage dashboard.

Login to your WebEngage dashboard.

Click the "Add WhatsApp Service Provider" or Plus icon on the top or click on the banner of the WSP at the bottom. In doing so, you will be prompted by a configuration modal.

Select AiSensy from the first dropdown, WhatsApp Service Provider.
Login to your WebEngage dashboard.webp

Add WhatsApp Service Provider (WSP)

In the Configuration name, add "AiSensy".

Adding a name enables you to identify the appropriate WSP for a campaign while creating it. This comes in handy, especially when you have multiple accounts with the same WSP.
Add WhatsApp Service Provider.webp

Add WhatsApp Business Number

Kindly specify the verified phone number you'll use to send all your WhatsApp campaigns in this field. Here, you need to add your existing WhatsApp Business API number connected with AiSensy.
Add WhatsApp Service Provider.webp

Regenerate & copy WebEngage Key

To move forward with the integration, you'll need the WebEngage Key from AiSensy Dashboard.

Go to AiSensy👉Integrations👉WebEngage👉Regenerate Key👉Copy Key
Regenerate & copy WebEngage Key.webp

Paste the Key into the WebEngage Dashboard

Go back to the WebEngage Dashboard & paste the WebEngage key under API Key. After adding the API key, tap on Add WSP to add AiSensy as your WhatsApp Service Provider.
Add WhatsApp Service Provider.webp

Paste WebEngage API Key and Server Webhook Point in AiSensy Dashboard

Now come back to AiSensy Dashboard, under integrations choose WebEngage and paste the WebEngage API key and Server Webhook Point. Note: If you are not sure which server your account is on, kindly check the URL of your dashboard:

For the US server, the URL is
For the Indian server, the URL is
For Saudi Arabia server, the URL is

Whether you choose the Indian server or the US server, the WebEngage API key will remain the same.

As we mentioned at the beginning of the doc, you will get the WebEngage API Key from WebEngage support team.

After adding the key and server endpoint, click Submit. You've successfully connected WebEngage with AiSensy.Now, let's go ahead & create your first WhatsApp Template in the WebEngage Dashboard.
Select you webengage server.webp

Go to Integrations & click '+' to create a New Template message

To create a WhatsApp Template message, go to Integrations & click '+' to create a new Template message.
Go to Integrations in Webengage dashboard.webp

Configure the template exactly as it is in AiSensy App

On the next screen, pick a pre-approved template message from AiSensy App that will be sent to a user. Add details like:

1. WhatsApp Service Provider (WSP)- Here, choose AiSensy (Private).
2. Template Type- Choose the message type you want to send. Here, we'll be sending a simple text message.
3. Template Name- Copy the Template Name exactly as it appears in AiSensy App & paste it here.
4. Template Text- Copy the approved Template Message Text from AiSensy App & paste it here.
5. Template Language- Choose the preferred language of your Template Message.
After configuring these details, press "Add Template".
Now, go to AiSensy & create a Template message with the exact same details.
Configure the template exactly as it is in AiSensy App.webp

Ensure both templates are the same

Make sure that all the fields including Template Type, Template name, Template text, language, Buttons & the Button text are the same as in the AiSensy Dashboard.
Ensure both templates are the same.webp

Now, click on WhatsApp & press '+' to create a new campaign

It's time to launch your first WhatsApp Campaign.

Go to the WhatsApp section in the WebEngage app & click + to create a new campaign.

Note: To send the Campaign, you need to choose the audience, pick a time to send the Broadcast & pick the template message.
Click on WhatsApp to create a new campaign.webp

Add variable values & press 'Save & continue'

Next, add variable values that will replace the parameters ( {{1}} ).
Add variable values & press Save & continue.webp

Verify campaign details & Launch the campaign

Verify your Campaign details once & if everything seems fine, click 'Launch Campaign'.

Note: To send the Campaign, you need to choose the audience, pick a time to send the Broadcast & pick the template message.
Verify campaign details & Launch the campaign.webp

Message received on WhatsApp

Congratulations 🎊🥳️

You just launched your first WhatsApp Broadcast by integrating WebEngage with AiSensy.
Message received on WhatsApp.webp

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