You can change your WhatsApp Display name 10 times in 30 days, after which you need to contact Facebook support to change it again.
If you have an official WhatsApp Business Account (Green Badge), Contact
Facebook's Direct Support & provide the following details to change the display name in your WhatsApp Business Account:
Question Topic: Request an Official Business Account
Request Type: Update OBA Display Name
For a general WhatsApp Business Account, follow the below steps to change your display name:
1. Go to
Business Manager and select your business.
2. Click "WhatsApp Accounts" & thereon choose
WhatsApp Manager.
3. In WhatsApp Manager, click on "
Account Tools".
4. Now, navigate to the left-most menu and click
Phone Numbers.
5. Under the
Name column, hover over your current display name and select the pencil icon.
6. In the
Edit Display Name section, enter a new display name.
7. Select
That's it!
If your new Display Name is in line with the formatting rules, it will get changed in 2-3 hours!